Saturday - February 08,2025

Pros and cons of bringing your dog on vacation

Vacation time is the best time of year. It’s a chance to get away from it all and relax. There’s only one problem – the dog. You love the dog and the thought of being away from him for any length of time is not a happy one, but can you bring him with you? Would it be better to put him in kennels until you get back? 

It’s a tricky one, which is why we’ve put together a list of pros and cons of making your vacation a dog vacation…


No Worries

If you bring your dog along with you, you won’t spend a huge chunk of your holiday worrying about him, which means that you’ll truly be able to relax and enjoy your time together.

Meet New People

When you have a dog, you meet more people. That’s true whether you’re walking your pet in your local area or abroad. Lots of people love dogs and they’re far more likely to approach a dog walker than a random holidaymaker, which means you can have a lot more positive interactions while on vacation with your four-legged buddy.


Taking your dog on vacation is a great way to bond with him. You’ll make lots of great memories and have a lot of special times that you can look back on in the future.


Red Tape

Depending on where you’re going on vacation, you may have to deal with a lot of red tape. You can take your dog anywhere in the UK without issue, but if you’re heading overseas, you may need to have your dog vaccinated, microchipped and issued with a passport.

Extra Packing

Taking your pooch with you on holiday means more packing. They’ll probably want their dog food UK brand for starters. Then there are bowls, blankets, bedding, toys…the list is endless, but necessary if you want to make them comfortable.


The cost of taking your dog on vacation with you can be expensive, especially if you’re flying. However, if you would otherwise be boaring your dog in kennels it could be cheaper too.


If you’re travelling by plane, there is a chance that your dog could become distressed and they may require sedation, which comes with its own risks. Some dogs have died following long plane journeys and this is an issue you should take seriously when planning your vacation.

Bringing your dog on vacation can be lots of fun. However, some dogs are better travellers than others, and flying by plane can be particularly dangerous. Therefore, it may be more appropriate to travel by car, rail or ferry if you do decide to bring your pet along.

You may also want to consider trying out shorter trips with your pet so you can see how they travel via various means before you decide to take them along with you to a far-flung destination, and in some cases, you may find that leaving them at home is the safest, kindest option.