
Why hemorrhoids are so common and how to treat them

There are numerous diseases plaguing human beings, and among them, one of the most dreadful and painful is hemorrhoids. Technically, it refers to an inflamed blood vessel inside the rectum or anus, which makes it an extremely painful condition, or even itchy and uncomfortable at times. Any individual can get hemorrhoids, although the most common people getting it are those who are above 50 years old.

Many seek some kind of hemorrhoids treatment in a bid to be relieved from the symptoms and live comfortably. Why hemorrhoids are so popular? Let’s try to see what’s behind this condition and what can be done.

Why hemorrhoids have become more prevalent

Lifestyle is one of the key causes. In this fast-paced world that everyone lives in nowadays, people can’t avoid sitting for hours. This could be because of some job at a desk or just sitting around watching some television. Hours of sitting can be tiring and put a lot of pressure on the rectal area, bringing about hemorrhoids.

Another cause is diet. When a person has a low amount of fiber in their diet, this leads to constipation; hence the main hemorrhoids are realized. The most common reason why most individuals contribute to such an occurrence is that when they strain as they try to pass stools, extra pressure put inside the veins causes them to swell. Without enough fiber in your diet, the stools are hard, thus hard to pass, hence contributing to developing hemorrhoids.

However, they may also come out for the first time during pregnancy. When pregnant, this baby pushes against the veins in the lower extremities; they act on the ones in the rectum.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

  • Itching around the anus
  • Pain or discomfort especially when sitting
  • Swelling around the anus
  • Bleeding during bowel movements

A patient should report any symptoms of hemorrhoids to the doctor for proper diagnosis and possible appropriate treatment if any of these are noticed.


Types of Hemorrhoids

Internal Hemorrhoids: They occur within the rectum. Their characteristic is that they are not visible since they are located within. Internal hemorrhoids cause bleeding but less pain.

External Hemorrhoids: These are those found outside of the anus. They can be physically felt. Usually, pains start with them, especially while passing stools or even when sitting.

Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids have a treatment option for most of them. It depends on the severity of the case.Other treatments that are very helpful include simple lifestyle changes. Drinking enough water and maintaining an active lifestyle also prevent constipation. Warm baths and readily available creams help alleviate symptoms such as itching and discomfort.

For massive hemorrhoids, the doctor can prescribe another medical treatment involving tying a rubber band at the bottom part of the hemorrhoid, which cuts off its blood flow to make it shrink. Larger hemorrhoids can also be removed through surgery.

Prevention of Hemorrhoids

  • High-fiber food regimen: With a high-fiber eating regimen, one does not face constipation, as it also allows for decreasing the chances of improvement of hemorrhoids.
  • Active behavior: Active physical activity like walking or yoga helps maintain proper body functions, including proper digestive system functioning.
  • Avoid straining: While passing stools, one must avoid straining since straining forces pressure on the rectal veins.


Hemorrhoids are common, but proper care and treatment may take away the gravity associated with them. Changes in lifestyle, together with diet, among other precautionary measures, may cure and eliminate symptoms. Hemorrhoid treatment may be sought after if there are major cases affecting individuals. Recurring cases of hemorrhoids always warrant a call to the doctor. The family medical center would thus be well-positioned to guide you on the best-suited treatment for your case and hence relief.